Zoom Rainforest Honey. Pack 4 unidades de 500g c/u.
Zoom Rainforest Honey. Pack 4 unidades de 500g c/u.
Zoom Rainforest Honey. Pack 4 unidades de 500g c/u.

Rainforest Honey. Pack 4 unidades de 500g c/u.

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Pure, organic and raw mix of flowers from the most pristine 

and selected Patagonian forest. Each batch is analyzed at independent laboratory  proving scientifically

its purity,  to ensure significant levels of natural antibiotics. This 100% natural honey

withcreamytextureand uniquemixofpatagonianflowerswillbe thebestand healthsweetener


Rainforest Honey. Pack 4 unidades de 500g c/u.




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